Graduates 2003/2004

Dr. Vassilios Bezzerides
Graduate Advisor: Dr. David Clapham
Current: Cardiology Specialist, Boston Children's Hospital
Dr. Alexander Fotin
Graduate Advisor: Dr. Stephen C. Harrison
Current: Head of Quantamental Research, Marshall Wace, NYC
Dr. Filbert Hong
Graduate Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Cohen
Current: Director of Student Engagement, Prometheus Project, Maryland Institute of Applied Environmental Health (MIAEH), University of Maryland School of Public Health
Dr. Avi Kogan
Graduate Advisor: Dr. Ulrich Von Andrian
Current: Global Commercial Leader, Marketer, Strategist, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Dr. Zoltan Maliga
Graduate Advisor: Dr. Timothy Mitchison
Current: Research Associate in Therapeutic Science, Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Wayne Wang
Graduate Advisor: Dr. Charles Lieber
Current: Senior Scientist, BioScale, Inc. Lexington, MA